Abstract : This paper presents the
experimentation done in order to flourish a low price and impressionable
information system to provide useful information to farmers in a timely manner
so as to assist their decision making process. The primary reason behind
development of this system was to automate the flow of information to farmers
since agriculture is the backbone of our country. Gram Sandesh Transmission is
a web disciplined system which targets all sort of audience by means of its ios
application (for iphone users),android application(for android users),
messaging server(for basic mobile handset) and gsm based led boards (for those
who don’t owe a mobile handset).
Farmers are provided with weather related
information on daily basis so that necessary decision regarding sowing of
seeds, weeding, harvesting, irrigation could be taken.
The system warns with
any disaster related information so that necessary steps could be taken.
Another module of the system deals with providing “Sarkari Mandi Bhaav” (Govt.
Market Price) and thus reduces the chances of fraud prices quoted by middleman
to farmers. Keywords- Information system; Farmers; Agriculture; Android; PHP;
Agriculture is the fortitude for our country
India. A large population of the country depends on farming related activities
for their sustenance. However, it is perceived that there is lack of a handy
agronomical information system for the end users. Information and data is
available but does not reach the end-user on time [1]. Safekeeping this fact
into consideration; Gram Sandesh Transmission has been developed so as to
facilitate the flow of useful information required for farming [2]. In last few
decades the trade of farming has changed rapidly.
Apart from the traditional
problems in farming, farmers are now facing competition from global market.
They strictly need to adhere quality standards set by World Health Organization
to trade in international market. An era has arrived where key to success is
accurate, timely information and accurate judgment placed upon it [2], [3].
Present generation predominantly bank on mobile phones for their every work.
Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) revealed that there are currently
more than 933 million mobile subscribers in the year of 2014 in the country.
Mobile technology there can be used to pass the information to farmers as
almost every village in the country has accessible mobile network towers and
large number of registered users [8]. Each family has at least one mobile user.
Gram Sandesh Transmission covers all form of mobile users in terms ios, android
and basic mobile phones.
The hardware implementation of the system targets the
audience without the mobile phones by means of GSM based LED boards. The
fundamental objective of the research is to bridge the information void that
exists presently between the farmers and databases, In order to upgrade the
crop fertility by means of an economic and feasible farming advisory system
which could advertise the expert knowledge among rural people [4]. A major part
of today’s population is youth which relies upon mobile applications (either
android or ios) for the information required by them. Hence the system is
developed on these platforms. The feasibility study done reveals that system is
completely feasible in terms of technical, operation and economical feasibility
A large volume of data is
available today ovalmost every occupational section of the sthe data presence,
a wide information gap because there is lack of a proper applicatiinformation
is made available to them. Threlated to all agricultural related activities
information, government price for crops, into sowing of seeds & modern
agricultKeeping in the view an android and an iobeen developed so that
information is provbasis. The hardware implementation of ththat information
reaches to those farmers toa mobile handset.