Online Trust: An International Study Of
Subjects’ Willingness to Shop at Online Merchants, Including The Effects
of Promises and of Third Party Guarantees
Our expectation was that promises alone would have little impact on
customers’ WTP. Our thinking was that if customers trusted a website,
then promises would not be necessary, and that if customers did not
trust a website they would not trust its promises either; either way
promises would have no effect. This turned out to be incorrect. Our
expectation was that third party guarantees would be most effective.
This turned out to be only partly supported. Our expectation was that
China would be a significant outlier in one direc-tion, and Singapore
would be a significant outlier in the opposite direction. Again, this
turned out not to be entirely true. All of this is described more fully
in our hypotheses (section 4) and our analyses (sections 7 through 11). Code Shoppy
The US online market is the most mature online market in the world, and
the behavior of online shop-pers in the US is remarkably similar to the
behavior of shoppers in traditional physical venues. Shoppers at a
range of physical stores, from Wal-Mart and Rite-Aid to Tiffany’s and
Brooks Brothers, make their purchas-es without requesting promises that
the goods they buy are authentic, and without requiring third party
guaran-tees. The online behavior of US shoppers seems simi-lar to their
offline behavior. In contrast, promises and third party guarantees are
significant in other markets, with vendor type and nature of assurances
interacting in different ways in different countries. Promises were not
always without value, and third party guarantees did not always increase
the value of promises.
Hypotheses Our discussions with executives at 360buy, Taobao, and
Yihaodian suggested the following: (1) vendors’ reputational capital may
be the greatest de-terminant of consumers’ WTP; (2) vendors’ promises
of product quality are of little value from low quality vendors because
buyers may not view these promises as binding in the absence of
reputational capital; (3) third-party guarantees would help create
greater trust and faster growth in online markets, (4) Chinese
con-sumers may be less trusting and Chinese vendors may encounter
greater trust penalties; and (5) different risk mitigation mechanisms
may have different effective-ness in China, due to different consumer
experience with online commerce generally, with third party war-ranties
and performance bonds, and with the legal system when trying to follow
up on complaints. These led directly to our six hypotheses.Hypothesis 1:
In every country, with purchases aggregated across all product types,
as vendor quality decreases, consumer’s WTP will decrease. The idea that
trust is directly observable through subjects’ expressed WTP is central
to our experiments. This is critical to establish, because if we cannot
ob-serve this in the laboratory then our experiments can-not test any
of our more important hypotheses. Hy-pothesis 1 attempts to determine
the extent to which reputation matters to subjects’ WTP for items from
different categories of seller. Hypothesis 2: In every country, with
purchases aggregated across all product types, promises alone will not
increase consumers’ WTP compared to these consumers’ WTP for the same
products purchased from the vendors but without promises. (Promises
alone refers to promises offered without 3rd party guarantees.)
Hypothesis 2 suggests that promises from low quality vendors will not be
credible. The value of promises alone is directly observable through
differ-ences in subjects’ WTP for products online, from a range of
merchant types, with and without promises. The extent to which
differences in WTP vary by mer-chant type and merchant reputation will
indicate the role of reputational capital in determining the value of
promises. A promise from Carrefour or Wal-Mart is credible because they
have reputations that they do not want to damage; they are likely to
back up their prom-ises. Alternatively, if the merchant is unreliable
then the promise will probably be seen as unreliable as well. Hypothesis
3: In every country, and across all product types, consumers’ WTP for
products from vendors who offer promises backed by a trusted third party
will be greater than consumers’ WTP for the same products from the same
quality vendors who offer promises not backed up by a trusted third
party. Hypothesis 3 suggests that promises will be effec-tive only if
they are backed up by third party guaran-tees. This hypothesis interacts
in complex ways with hypothesis 2. In particular, this suggests that
promises from low quality vendors will be credible if they are backed up
by third party guarantees, even if these promises alone are not
credible (consistent with hy-pothesis 2). Additionally, hypothesis 3
suggests that promises from high quality vendors are also more effective
if backed up by third party guarantees, even if these promises alone
are not credible (which is not consistent with hypothesis 2). Combining
hypothesis 2 with hypothesis 3 suggests that vendors without established
reputations could benefit early in their online evolution through the
use of third party guaran-tees. The value of third party guarantees is
directly observable through differences in subjects’ WTP for products
online, from a range of merchant types, with and without third party
guarantees. Hypothesis 4: For each vendor quality level, the decreases
in consumers’ WTP associated with ven-dors’ quality level will vary
across countries. Hypothesis 4 suggests that the impact of trust and
reputation on WTP will vary by country. Based on discussions with online
retailers, we expected trust to be less of a problem among consumers in
Singapore, with consumers in Germany and the United States exhibiting
intermediate behavior. We expected online trust to be the greatest
problem in China, given the incidence of problems with counterfeit and
defective merchandise, and with product tampering in China. We test this
using subjects’ stated WTP for merchan-dise from all vendor types under
the baseline condi-tion, with no explicit promises or third party
guaran-tees. Hypothesis 5: Across vendor quality levels, ven-dor
promises without 3rd party backing will increase consumers’ WTP in
different degrees across countries. Hypothesis 6: Across vendor quality
levels, ven-dor promises with 3rd party backing will increase consumers’
WTP in different degrees across countries. Hypotheses 5 and 6 suggest
that mechanisms to increase consumers’ confidence and to increase
con-sumers’ WTP will vary across nations. We expected variation across
nations, based on national differences in experience with online
shopping, the severity of problems with traditional physical shopping,
and the effectiveness of national legal codes in creating a sense of
consumer protection.
Web-Based Student Presence Systems The presence of students in the lectures at this time requires good supervision to support the creation of student activity to attend lectures which are assessed by student attendance. The attendance process which is currently carried out at STMIK AMIKOM Purwokerto with the signature method on student attendance sheets which is distributed by each lecture. This method has the disadvantage of the possibility of the presence of attendance by students. In the academic guide book, one semester of lectures is explained and 14 meetings are held and students are required to attend a minimum 70% attendance to be able to take the semester exam [1]. The results of the student attendance recap will also be used as a component of the assessment of lectures by lecturers. Seeing the importance of documenting student attendance presence and avoiding attendance fraud, it is necessary to build a student presence system. Technology and telecommunications are growing rapidly and it is possible to be used as a tool to facilitate the process of lecture attendance. In addition, QR Code technology is also used as a media to store student attendance data. QR Code is a medium used to store information quickly and get fast response without manually inputting by typing. The information encoded in the QR Code can be in the form of a URL, telephone number, SMS message, V-Card, or any text [2]. The use of the QR Code is easily scanned and the data can be directly identified [3]. Application of QR Code in training attendance is faster and more efficient [4]. Examination attendance system using QR Code can facilitate lecturers in the exam presence process and the system developed can test student cheating in taking exams because there is a notification [5]. The implementation of the presence system by using the QR Code can produce the correct attendance information because it contains time and cannot change [6]. The use of the QR Code for attendance is done by way of lecturers and students registering their android devices to the system, 1 (one) android device can only be registered for one user, students enroll in the class group of each course that has been made by the lecturer. As for the process the lecturer login to the android or web application then choose the class that will be opened for the session, after that the QR Code will appear which will change every 15 seconds with the aim of avoiding cheating sending images to other students. In terms of security, QR Code is complicated because the stored data cannot be seen only from the code [6]. Students read the QR Code on the lecturer's android device or in the browser displayed on the screen via the LCD Projector with their respective Android devices. After the QR Code has been read, it checks whether the Android device that the student is using is owned by the student, if it is true then the presence is successful. Continue the last presence session used to continue the ongoing meeting session 2)Open a new presence session to start a new meeting session 3)Student lists are used to display data for all students in the class 4)The attendance list for the last session is used to list the students attending the last session 5)The overall list of presence is used to display a list of students attending each session 6)A list of absent last sessions is used to display a list of students who are not present at the last session 7)Attendance recap is used to display attendance recapitulation in the form of percentage of attendance of each students.
Based on the results of the trial and implementation of online presence application using the QR Code has been running as expected by users both lecturers and students. The use of the QR Code can also resolve the issue of absence. This system can shorten and simplify the presence process, the stages in the study using the RUP method which consists of the process of interception, elaboration, construction, transition. The interception stage produces the results of the analysis in the form of a presence business process that is currently running then is designed at the elaboration stage and then implemented at the construction stage and the transition stage is the stage of implementing the application that has been made. Making this online presence application still requires a lot of improvements and suggestions for further research are as follows: Applications is helpful if there is a user who will change the password, added another treatment if the user changes mobile.
TRAVEL PORTAL is an android project used for acquiring information about particular city’s hotels, restaurants, historical places, etc. It will also provide the current location of the user. This application will also be used by travelling agencies to manage their customer trips, acquire information, etc. This application will provide notepad to add important task to do. It will also provide help center to the user to chat with administrator to solve the queries. Travel Portal application is based on the idea that travelers rely on other traveler reviews to plan their trips.This project Travel Portal helps build strong web enabled solutions that are customized to the needs of individual customers; turnkey solutions for travel agencies and intermediaries, airlines, hotels and transportation companies The increasing popularity of smart phones and hand held devices has led to an increase in the time consumers spend on online search. According to a recent research by Google India "Mobile phones are becoming a key contributor in the online traveling space. With travel becoming cheap and affordable, the number of travelers and their frequency of travelling in India are increasing continuously. This web application is an online service for touring Incredible India. The main objective of this paper is when users are on the move, it is able to provide rich and concise information timely and make them access to the service at anytime and anywhere. It is aimed at providing information about important places of interest. Not only can visitors read and know more about these places, they can also see their relative positioning on Google maps and experience the beauty of India. It also suggests travel plans based on users preferences. To make touring more exciting visitors can also share their experiences through the forums on the web site.This project, Travel Portal use android programming language. Android programming language is Android software development, the process by which new applications are created for the android operating systemAndroid Android is an open source and Linux-based Operating System for mobile devices such as smart phones and tablet computers. Android was developed by the Open Handset Alliance, led by Google, and other companies. Android offers a unified approach to application development for mobile devices which means developers need only develop for Android, and their applications should be able to run on different devices powered by Android. The IDE used for development of this application is android studio which is freely available under the Apache License 2.0. This application use Android 5.1 APIs (API level :22) which is an update to the Lollipop release that offers new features for users and app developers[3]. B.Global Positioning system (GPS) GPS is a space-based satellite navigation system The GPS system concept is based on time. GPS satellites transmit data continuously which contains their current time and position. This web application uses GPS to find the current location of the user and to locate all the places where the user wants to visit. The operating mode that we have used is a two-dimensional GPS that includes two horizontal coordinates (longitude, latitude). It requires minimum of three visible satellites [4]. C.Google Maps API Google Maps is a Web-based service providing detailed information about geographical regions and sites around the world. The Google Maps application program interface (API) makes it possible for Website administrators to embed Google Maps into a proprietary site such as a real estate guide or community service page[4,5].D.Google Places API The Google Places API Web Service allows to query for place information, such as: establishments, prominent points of interest, geographic locations, and more. A Place Search returns a list of places along with summary information about each place. It returns information about places — defined within the API as establishments, geographic locations, or prominent points of interest — using HTTP requests[5].CodeShoppy
the gps and geo tagging based application TravelNow permits users to get tour guidance information they need anytime and anywhere. It allows the users to know their current position using gps technique and search the points of interest location. According to the searched location all the relevant destinations like restaurants, heritage hills, pilgrimage, beaches etc; will be shown that gives the complete information with ratings also. It gives the railways, flights, caps information between any two chosen destination to the users. We can say that by using this application users will be able to know all possible information about any particular city. It also allows the user to gain information for “popular seasons”. Thus we can say that by using this geo based web application users can plan their trips and enjoy holidays in a better way. Apart from all these information provided by this application, it also provide special facilities that allow the users to add their important works, tasks or anything else which he/she wanted to add as a reminder purpose. It also allow the users to know weekly suggestions as suggested by the developers season by season via notification and users can also solve their queries via help centeRight now we are accessing the information from the Google database, in future we will be maintaining our own JSON database. •In future we will be booking hotels, modes of transportation (cabs, trains and flights), reserving restaurants. We will be providing some nifty features like new trains available at your closest station, route changes; GPS train locater, and crowd-sourced data about railway stations. In this Project, we are providing traveling information to the user. Based on the results we conclude that the performance of the proposed method is perfect and iproviding necessary information to the tourist as well as the travelling management agencies. Some important features of this app are notification (to aware the user of recent events), help centre (for solving queries of user) and to do list (for adding important task of the user). This app will help the user to know distance from their current position to their chosen destination, by using GPS technology it will provide current location of the user as well as it also enable to search other places all over the world. By using this app user is able to find their destination according to the chosen theme like we provide destination as restaurants, hotels, heritage, pilgrimage and many more according to the chosen city to travel. Our results show that our app is good enough for traveling purpose
Travel Management System using GPS The increasing popularity of smart phones and hand held devices has led to an increase in the time consumers spend on online search. According to a recent research by Google India "Mobile phones are becoming a key contributor in the online traveling space. With travel becoming cheap and affordable, the number of travelers and their frequency of travelling in India are increasing continuously. This web application is an online service for touring Incredible India. The main objective of this paper is when users are on the move, it is able to provide rich and concise information timely and make them access to the service at anytime and anywhere. It is aimed at providing information about important places of interest. Not only can visitors read and know more about these places, they can also see their relative positioning on Google maps and experience the beauty of India. It also suggests travel plans based on users preferences. To make touring more exciting visitors can also share their experiences through the forums on the web site.This project, Travel Portal use android programming language. Android programming language is Android software development, the process by which new applications are created for the android operating system
Android Android is an open source and Linux-based Operating System for mobile devices such as smart phones and tablet computers. Android was developed by the Open Handset Alliance, led by Google, and other companies. Android offers a unified approach to application development for mobile devices which means developers need only develop for Android, and their applications should be able to run on different devices powered by Android. The IDE used for development of this application is android studio which is freely available under the Apache License 2.0. This application use Android 5.1 APIs (API level :22) which is an update to the Lollipop release that offers new features for users and app developers[3]. B.Global Positioning system (GPS) GPS is a space-based satellite navigation system The GPS system concept is based on time. GPS satellites transmit data continuously which contains their current time and position. This web application uses GPS to find the current location of the user and to locate all the places where the user wants to visit. The operating mode that we have used is a two-dimensional GPS that includes two horizontal coordinates (longitude, latitude). It requires minimum of three visible satellites [4]. C.Google Maps API Google Maps is a Web-based service providing detailed information about geographical regions and sites around the world. The Google Maps application program interface (API) makes it possible for Website administrators to embed Google Maps into a proprietary site such as a real estate guide or community service page[4,5].D.Google Places API The Google Places API Web Service allows to query for place information, such as: establishments, prominent points of interest, geographic locations, and more. A Place Search returns a list of places along with summary information about each place. It returns information about places — defined within the API as establishments, geographic locations, or prominent points of interest — using HTTP requests[5] CodeShoppy
The gps and geo tagging based application TravelNow permits users to get tour guidance information they need anytime and anywhere. It allows the users to know their current position using gps technique and search the points of interest location. According to the searched location all the relevant destinations like restaurants, heritage hills, pilgrimage, beaches etc; will be shown that gives the complete information with ratings also. It gives the railways, flights, caps information between any two chosen destination to the users. We can say that by using this application users will be able to know all possible information about any particular city. It also allows the user to gain information for “popular seasons”. Thus we can say that by using this geo based web application users can plan their trips and enjoy holidays in a better way. Apart from all these information provided by this application, it also provide special facilities that allow the users to add their important works, tasks or anything else which he/she wanted to add as a reminder purpose. It also allow the users to know weekly suggestions as suggested by the developers season by season via notification and users can also solve their queries via help center.
Android has become the leading operating systemfor next-generation smart devices. Consequently, the number ofAndroid malware has also skyrocketed. Many dynamic analysistechniques have been proposed to detect Android malware.However, very few of these techniques use real-time monitoringon user devices as Android does not provide low-level informa-tion to third-party apps. Moreover, some techniques detect aspecific malware class more effectively than others. Therefore,end users can be benefited by installing multiple malwaredetection techniques. In this paper, we propose SpyDroid, areal-time malware detection framework that can accommodatemultiple detectors from third-parties (e.g., researchers and an-tivirus vendors) and allows efficient and controlled real-timemonitoring. SpyDroid consists of two operating system modules(monitoring and detection) and supports application layer sub-detectors. Sub-detectors are regular Android applications thatmonitor and analyze different runtime information using themonitoring module and they report the detection module abouttheir findings. The detection module decides when to mark an appas malware. Researchers and antivirus vendors can now publishtheir techniques via app markets and end users can install anynumber of sub-detectors as they require. We have implementedSpyDroid using the Android Open Source Project (AOSP) andour experiments with a dataset containing 4,965 apps show thatdecisions from multiple sub-detectors can increase the malwaredetection rate significantly on a real device.Code Shoppy Among all smartphone operating systems, Android occupiesover 85% market share in 2017 [1]. Moreover, Android-powered devices such as cars, fridges, televisions, point ofsale (POS) terminals, and ATM booths are expected to flooduser markets within a few years. Due to the popularity ofthe Android ecosystem, malware writers are targeting Androiddevices exclusively and the number of malware for Androidsurged exponentially in 2017. Android implements a num-ber of security mechanisms to ensure the safety of deviceresources, e.g., the permission mechanism.The permission mechanism of Android is coarse-grainedand users are usually ignorant about the sought permissions.Researchers also proposed attacks that can bypass the per-mission mechanism [2], [3]. As a result, effective detectionof malware is very important to mitigate security threats inthe Android ecosystem. Unfortunately, antiviruses are not veryeffective due to the restrictive security model of Android thatdoes not let any app scan the runtime behavior of others.Researchers have made great efforts to improve the securityf Android and proposed a number of static and dynamicanalysis techniques. In static analysis, the Android applicationfile (apk) is decompiled to perform analysis, such as data flowanalysis, control flow analysis, API call analysis, byte N-gram,and fingerprinting. Studies [4] have shown that static analysisis becoming less effective day by day due to powerful trans-formation techniques (call graph obfuscation, dynamic codeloading, manifest cheating, metamorphism, polymorphism,etc.). They concluded that dynamic analysis is a necessarycomplement to static analysis as it is less vulnerable to codetransformations.Dynamic analysis is more effective as it can extract featuresthat represent unique patterns of execution. Interestingly, ac-cording to this study [5], over 98% of the new malware arein fact variants of an existing malware family. Google usesa dynamic analysis system called Google Bouncer that ana-lyzes apks submitted to them. Unfortunately, dynamic analysistechniques that execute Android apps inside an emulator alsosuffer from the fact that malware writers can detect emulatorsand thus evade detection. Hence, real-time monitoring onuser devices becomes necessary. In addition, end users arenot benefiting from these research as it is very difficult forthem to integrate the techniques into their devices. Moreover,sometimes a specific class of malware can only be detected bya single technique or a particular antivirus. Therefore, deviceowners can be benefited by employing multiple malwaredetectors on their devices